Vlora Waterfront Proposal
Our vision for Vlora’s waterfront integrates green spaces as a vital element to counter uncontrolled urbanization, connect city parts, and enhance the landscape. Green areas, considered essential for improving residents’ quality of life and the city’s overall image, will serve as parks, event spaces, and natural buffers between the sea and the mainland. The proposal addresses Vlora’s fragmented urban fabric, identifying four main areas with distinct patterns: informal settlements, the planned city, the radial grid, and the coastal-hillside strip. By connecting these areas organically to the waterfront, we aim to reshape and heal the cityscape. Improved circulation systems, including enhanced transversal and longitudinal axes, will reduce congestion and foster seamless connections between the city and the waterfront, culminating in vibrant public spaces along the seaside.
Category : Planning, Urban Design, Landscape
Date : February 2014
Location : Vlora, Albania